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Data Tools FAQ

This page provides helpful hints and answers to commonly asked questions about using the Data Tools. For FAQs related to specific tools, check out the following links:





What software was used to build the Data tools?

Development and maintenance of the AHRQ Data Tools use the Tableau platform.

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How do I select a group of options within a multi-select filter dropdown?

Select your first item, checkbox, hold the SHIFT key, and select the last option in the group of items you wish to select.

Figure 1: Example screenshot from HCUPnet National Inpatient Diagnoses and Procedures data tool

HCUPnet National Inpatient Diagnoses and Procedures data tool with multiple drop down selections for Diagnoses


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How do I select all check box options within a multi-select filter dropdown?

Select the check box with the “(All)” to select all options available under the filter dropdown. This option is only available for select dropdowns.

Figure 2: Example screenshot from HCUPnet National Inpatient Diagnoses and Procedures data tool

HCUPnet National Inpatient Diagnoses and Procedures data tool displaying All selection under diagnoses


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What do the parentheses around a filter value mean?

Parentheses around a filter value mean that the selected value is not applicable based on prior selections. When this occurs, reselect filter values from top to bottom.

For example, in the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) Household Component (HC) Accessibility and Quality of Care data tool, the expected results display upon selecting the Diabetes Care Measures, which then filters the Diabetes Care Measure Level selections. When you update the top-level filter, Diabetes Care Measures, the prior selection (“Never had an eye exam” in the below example) selection is no longer applicable; the system will add parenthesis around the lower-level filter selection, indicating this is no longer applicable.

Figure 3: Example screenshot from MEPS-HC Accessibility and Quality of Care data tool

MEPS-HC Accessibility and Quality of Care data tool with Never had eye exam as the measure level is highlighted when the measure is Flu shot


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What does it mean when a filter shows “(Multiple values)”?

When you select more than one option in a multiple-selection filter, the filter will display “Multiple values”.

Figure 4: Example screenshot of a filter with multiple values selected

Outcomes filter with multiple values selected


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How can I search for a specific value in the dropdown options? For example, you are interested in measures related to HIV.

Using the “Measure” filter, select drop-down filter options and type text within the top white box space; for example, the text “HIV”, will limit filter options to only show options with HIV in the description. This technique can be used on any filter on any data tool dashboard to limit available filter options.

Figure 5: Example screenshot from National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports Data Query data tool.

National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports Data Query data tool with hiv typed into the Measure filer text box


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Why can’t I see a map on the HCUPnet Community Inpatient data tools?

If you change selections for filters, the resulting map display area will display as blank in some instances. Please select the Home button to re-set the map.

Figure 6: Screenshot from the HCUPnet Community Quality Indicators data tool showing a selection of the Home button

HCUPnet Community Quality Indicators data tool showing a selection of the Home button


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How do I correct data table column line breaks?

Figure 7. The image depicts line breaks within a dashboard data table.

Figure 7 Showing Tableau dashboard data table with column line breaks


Steps: Scale the display resolution to the native setting and turn off the feature for auto-scaling. All figures and steps below are using the Windows 10 Pro operating system.

1. Navigate to the Display settings by right-clicking on your Windows background and selecting “Display settings”.
2. Set “Scale and layout” and set the scale to 100%.
3. Select “Advanced scale settings”.

Figure 8. The image shows Windows Display settings options available.

Figure 8. Shows Windows display settings screen options with Change the size of text, apps, and other items set to 100% under Scale layout


4. Within “Advanced scaling settings”, turn the feature to “Off” under “Fix scaling for apps”.

Figure 9. The image shows the “Advanced scaling settings” window.

Figure 9 shows the "Advanced scaling settings" window showing option for fix scaling for apps.

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